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          Steel structure residence complacent industry called on to carry out the security room to eat crab wall sheet

          Time:[2014-9-10]  Hits:4509

          Steel structure residence complacent industry called on to carry out the security room to eat crab wall sheet "Zhicijiagao" into the steel shelter development "bottleneck"

               Following the August 3, 2014 Ludian County, Zhaotong City, Yunnan Province episodes 6.5 earthquake, August 17 Yongshan County under the jurisdiction of Zhaotong City earthquake attack again. After the onset of the disaster, due to the housing collapse in the face of earthquakes, falling masonry, sheet metal workers caused major casualties, many experts and industry professionals called for: in earthquake-prone areas, large-scale application of superior seismic performance of steel shelter is now urgent. Foshan Steel

          "Life safety is the top criteria for residence. General collapse of steel-concrete construction onset disaster gives us a lesson has been more than enough in the earthquake." China's first listed steel companies, Zhejiang Hangzhou Xiao Steel Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Hangxiao "), chairman of single silver wood in an interview with reporters, said steel shelter compare with traditional steel-concrete construction, with" four distinct strengths nimble good province, "that is light weight, build speed, good seismic performance , material savings.

          However, look at the development of China's steel industry domicile, residence less than 1% of steel construction in residence in China, the actual application is not optimistic. Researchers from the Chinese Academy of Sciences Wang Minggui is built bluntly: "Difficulties steel siding is different from traditional residence in concrete construction, steel siding in residence in a large amount, but due to the lack of Chinese new wall materials, the construction of industrial foundation. weak, which many steel companies are reluctant to reach out, not research and development or strategic cooperation with sheet metal factory, possession of the right to speak from the quality and prices, leading to the wall plate mall merchandise appear less Zhicijiagao, can not meet the needs of industrial steel shelter, directly affecting the entire construction cost, but also affect the quality of the project. "

          Therefore, in order to break through steel shelter in domestic development "bottleneck", it is necessary to proceed from the wallboard material. As the industry's few leading enterprises in the whole industry chain of steel, as early as 2004, Hangxiao on the introduction of advanced production equipment and technology from Germany and other countries, and successfully developed a CCA board and all grouting wall skills, to meet their steel shelter application on the basis of the skills system, to fill the domestic blank mall.

          Hangxiao chief engineer Fanghong Jiang said, CCA board grouting wall seismic data in a number of destructive tests showed layer displacement angle is less than 1/2000 time, CCA board grouting wall without any cracks; story drift angle when 1/90 , wall occurs only partial cracks or squeeze, just slightly Buxiu rehabilitation can be used to build deformation displacement between the main structure layer needs to meet the earthquake, the country does not appear in the construction of each earthquake collapsed the whole matter, injuries to personnel tragedy of life.

          Meanwhile, Fanghong Jiang also said Hangxiao CCA board not only has excellent seismic performance, but also has a lightweight, high strength, high toughness, large format, fire proof, thermal insulation, corrosion moth, excellent weather resistance and good performance, effectively increasing resident experience. More importantly, the Hang Xiao CCA board 100% free of substances harmful to human health. More traditional building materials contain tiny asbestos fibers, once into the air after breathing into the lungs, pose health of potential damage, the more serious will be the onset of "cancer."

          It is by virtue of itself and grout wall panels for CCA skills development, Hangxiao significantly shorten the steel shelter construction cycle, reducing construction costs and enhance the construction of earthquake resistance, have become rare in the whole steel industry's residence skill system the steel companies.

          Reporters learned that, in recent years, Hangxiao Steel has been applied in the residence fruitful: Has the design, development, construction of the Wuhan-century homes, commercial Inner Mongolia Baotou Steel shelter project capital and other large square County; Urumqi Tianshan District Bahar? Road area shantytowns project; has also recently signed a contract Mongolia Ulan Bator shantytown homes total 2.6 billion yuan renovation project of steel. In these projects, without exception, the use of CCA Hang Xiao grout wall panels and related skills, not only effectively enhance the comfort of shelter residents, more importantly, to the CCA wall represented Hang Xiao Steel residence skills to fully protect the security of residence in order to achieve "life safety is the top criterion of residence."

          Turning to the future of steel shelter, Wang Minggui said: "In the future, promising in home construction steel in China." In recent years the practice has proved that those who have the skills to build shelter for steel research, complete industrial chain enterprises, preferential binding moiety , the cost of steel shelter can be accomplished mall acceptable degree, with the expansion of the scale, the cost can be reduced than it is now.

          Currently, the state has unveiled a policy of encouraging the construction of industrialization, steel companies have to innovate and material progress of skills development as soon as possible, and reduce the cost, so that more safety, environmental protection, energy saving steel shelter into the homes of ordinary people, everyone resident in progress quality, better protect everyone's lives.
          "Developers are now afraid to use (steel structure residence), in addition to the interests concerned, but also worried about the top one to eat crab fishing, but less than the benefits, risks and if a lot of affordable housing are used, one look very mature, they will actively trying. "Guo said.

          Copyright:佛山市勝邦鋼結構有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粵ICP備13078463號