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          King heavy steel roof construction skills all improve

          Time:[2015-10-28]  Hits:4262

          Guangzhou Steel tells you: King heavy steel roof construction skills all improve

          First, the large steel structure construction is mainly handling all raise the following three aspects:
          (1) large steel roof assembly handling skills: steel roof assembly area of ​​20,000 square meters, the tonnage of about 4500 tons; assembled truss roof structure has a variety of forms of structural support system, roof purlins pillar structure, maintenance walkways, etc. ; large roof trusses are some large steel trusses. How such a large area with high precision assembling large steel trusses in place, to ensure that all improve the quality and to create conditions for the smooth place.
          (2) steel roof all skills planning and accounting manipulation: On such a large raise roof system for all, must go through proper planning and checking to ensure the safety of the project.
          (3) Accounting machine handling skills hydraulic synchronization control: According to the principle of improving the hydraulic synchronization, improve equipment use, combined with modern construction technology, the thousands of tons of members in the floor assembly, all raised to install Reserve position in place. Guangzhou Steel
          Second, the steel roof all improve planning and accounting manipulation:
          On such a large increase roof system for all we must go through proper planning and checking to ensure the safety of the project, so as to provide a theoretical basis for the entire increase.
          Improve load path system, the force transmission path for various parts of the checking, accounting for the increase mainly accounted force, improve the stent and planning platform beams, columns stability checking, improve anchorage planning, improve process conditions checking some other key .
          (1) increasing the force accounting: the entire roof finite element calculation model, and to improve the state needs to think of the load applied thereto, the establishment of accounting support reaction force increase at the point, the result is to set the jack number and specifications basis.
          (2) to improve support and planning platform beams: Column this project application for steel and concrete composite columns, the lower concrete column, the upper part of the steel columns. For this structure, in order to improve the need, in the original column height, based on an increase of 3.5m, for improving the bracket. Improve the process according to the requirements laid improve the platform at the top of the bracket beams. Planning for the box girder beams form the platform.
          (3) checking the stability of steel columns: Column in this project application for steel and concrete composite columns, the lower concrete column, the upper part of the steel column, in order to increase the need, in the original column height, based on an increase of 3.5m In response to this more particular column, and combined with the existing norms steel, steel columns stability computations performed.
          Finite element analysis software includes the entire steel columns and concrete columns pillars eigenvalue analysis perverting, perverting the load characteristic value is obtained from the characteristic values ​​can barely modal analysis of concrete columns and steel columns stability.
          (4) improve the anchorage plan: Improve the anchor bracket is firmly connected with the need to raise the roof, as a place to improve the system of fixed anchor seat. Improve the anchor bracket with welded steel plate, the bracket and lug connected via high-strength bolts. Analysis using ANSYS finite element program is completed.
          (5) improve working conditions checking process: all increase the displacement difference exists, the displacement of each point of difference to improve the presentation of the stress state will change the structure of the points in the process between the increase, accounting displacement difference in the situation may appear under the situation by force structure,
          Raise points as several dozen, there are many kinds of load combination, need to choose the more dangerous the situation, carry out a combination of poor working conditions improve displacement, internal force changing checking roof system in improving the process, to ensure that the process of improving safety and reliability .
          Third, the accounting machine handling skills hydraulic synchronization control:
          Large steel structure of large span plenary improve, whether it is the position control, load control still have a higher degree of difficulty. Accounting machine hydraulic synchronization control skills to ensure the safety of construction steel roof provides a guarantee. Enhance the skills of all major control the following aspects.
          (1) all improve process formula
          (2) The system consists of: accounting machine control system consists of a hydraulic synchronization improving strand clusters and improve fuel tanks, pump stations and sensing and control of the accounting machine (control member) and several other some components.
          (3) improve the fuel tanks and other equipment placement to improve: to improve concluded after hanging points, each determined to improve the ability to improve the lifting points, and as a judge raise cylinder type and quantity basis. Meanwhile according to improvement plan, other resettlement improve equipment.
          (4) Improving hanging position synchronous control: With the rise crane lifting point and the main point increase height, measured at any time after the control system information, and the information is timely feedback to the control system with the rise of hanging points, after adjustment to improve the system, achieve narrow main points from lifting height, achieve all improve synchronization.
          (5) all improve safety manipulation: all improve the construction, safety measures are particularly important, should focus on control of four security measures: Security measures to improve the structural system; improve cylinder mechanical safety; safety of the hydraulic system; security accounting machine control system. Guangzhou Steel

          Copyright:佛山市勝邦鋼結(jié)構(gòu)有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粵ICP備13078463號