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          steel gas cutting process should pay attention to the main points

          Time:[2016-3-30]  Hits:3859

          Guangzhou Steel remind you: steel gas cutting process should pay attention to the main points

          (1) before the Guangzhou Steel gas cutting gas cutting system must check that the entire equipment and tools are all working properly, and ensure safety.
          (2) Guangzhou Steel gas cutting should select the correct process parameters. Adjusting the shape of the cutting should be good oxygen jets, to achieve and maintain a clean cut, high winds and shoot a long line force.
          (3) before the Guangzhou steel gas cutting should remove dirt, oil and steel surface rust and other debris, and to stay below a certain space, in order to facilitate slag blowing.
          (4) When steel gas cutting Guangzhou, must prevent tempering.
          (5) In order to prevent deformation of gas cutting, the operation should be short side. To cut small pieces, after cutting large. First cut complex after cutting simple.

          Copyright:佛山市勝邦鋼結構有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粵ICP備13078463號